Hello Friends, recently while searching on the internet i came across this thing called as Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0 which is an IDE cum Compiler for running and compiling Pascal language .pas files, Although pascal is taken to be one of the dead programming languages, Pascal is still used widely for education purposes due to its similarities with C and easier to understand programming structures and flows. but as Turbo Pascal 7 doesn’t work on 64bit OS such as Windows 7/8/8.1 and it works small window in 32bit OS , i have created this installer — > Turbo Pascal 7 for Windows 7|8|8.1 by TechApple.Net
Salient Features of this installer are
- Easy to use , and user friendly Borland Turbo Pascal 7 is used and that too runs fullscreen!
- World’s most preferred Simple Pascal Language Compiler..that too on a single click installer !!
- Works On All Versions of Windows, Windows 98,Windows 2000,Windows XP,Windows 7 [64 bit as well as 32 bit] As Well as Windows 8 and 8.1 too [both 64bit and 32 bit]
- No need of installing DoSBoX and configuring or mounting anything! Everything right from DosBox to running turbo Pascal is built-in and the installer processes it automatically!
- Thus , everything is automatic bundled in a single installer!
- Useful For Students as well as Teachers and Professionals.
- You can save the program directly within it,and open it next time From the Software itself for editing/Use.
- You can Change the Units and TPDU Directories from the IDE if you want to..
- Easy and Efficient Pascal Programming.
Download it here –
Click here to Dowload Turbo Pascal 7 for Windows 7 | Windows 8 |8.1 32bit and 64bit by Techapple.Net
Mirror Link #1 Click here to Dowload Turbo Pascal 7 for Windows 7 | Windows 8 | 8.1 32bit and 64bit by Techapple.Net
UPDATE – Now you can even enjoy your favorite Turbo Pascal compiler on your Android phones , check out the below tutorial – Click here to Install & run Turbo Pascal for Android phone or tablet
Installation Guide :
Its rather pretty simple,Just Open the installer and simply keep on clicking Next, Just Don’t change the default installation directory “c:\TP7\”
Screenshots — >
Successful Installation and Full Screen Working of Turbo Pascal 7 –>
Successul Compilation of Sample HelloWorld Pascal Program in Turbo Pascal 7 –>
Support :
- Double click the Turbo Pascal icon on the Desktop for Execution
- If it Doesn’t run Full-screen simply give the command “Alt + Enter” To Open in Full-screen
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