
  • Run Opera Mini And Other Mobile Java Apps/Mod Apps On Google Chrome

    Hello Friends,

    Many Of You thought that there should be some Easy Way Of Running Java Mobile Games/Apps On Your PC

    Yup Now its Possible That too On our favourite Browser – Google Chrome

    Requirements :

    PC With Google Chrome Installed

    Java Environment Installed u may get it from the Below

    The Following Google Chrome Java Extension

    And Last but not the least Java App/MIDlet u want to run

    Procedure :

    Install Google Chrome Browser

    Install Java Runtime Environment

    Now Go to The Google Chrome JAVA Extension extension URL from Your Google Chrome Browser Only 

    Install the Google Chrome JAVA Extension

    Open The JAVA MIDlet/App U Want to Run

    That’s All


    U Can Use Proxy And Port too which u cant use in KEmulator

    Also its fast and  u can also use Your Modded And Handler Applications and Games like

    Opera Mini,BOLT,UC Browser,e Buddy etc

  • Now Google’s Challenge To Facebook Social Netwoking With Google+

    After recent launching of e-Mail service by Facebook, which was considered A Challenge to Google’s GMail.. Google is All-Set Ready Now to Challenge Facebook On Social Networking Grounds With its New Service Named As Google+

    After Facebook over-hauled Google owned Social Networking Site – Orkut, it enraged a war on Google Mail- Gmail by announcing facebook Mail… Google in Reply, seems to Be All-Set on Counter attack with Google +

    Basic Summary And Info about Google+ ?

    Google + is a new beta social Networking platform by Google… and its all set to write History on the Social Networking Front…

    Features : Google+ boasts of an easy – on eye Simple Looking User Interface[Circle Interface],There is “The Stream” adapted from the “Wall” concept of Facebook, Noreover there is the Unique Concet of Hangout,Sparks… Let’s discuss each of the features in Brief

    One of the Most disappointing features of Facebook is addition of new friends.. all new friends addedget collected in a big group alltogeher… Google+ addresses this issue by Circle Interface.It asks you to create Various different Circles in which you can classify and sort out ifferent friends into different circles like – Professional friends,family friends,personal friends,etc thus u can have the privacy of revealing/sharing your friendship with a person to be revealed to Others/or not… and u can see the updates of Different Friend Circle of Yours’ according to your convenience.. Moreover u can circle[circle select] many of our friends on Google Profiles to be requested and added to your profile at the same time in one request… unlike facebook where only single requests can be sent.

    “The Stream” This is the Google+ Version Of Facebook wall where You,Your Friends Can Comment,Discuss, Share n Enjoy..

    Sparks : This is the Google + Version of Facebook Friend Updates… Whenever an update is available from your Friend it will show a Spark! a Unique Concept Indeed..Priority of Friends’ Sparks to be shown can be customised on Profile Settings Place in Google+

    “Hangout” This is the Feature which i Loved the Most in Google+ In Hangout You Can Have Video/Voice or Text Chat with Almost ten!! people of your Friend Circle if they are Online… Much like the Group discussions We have

    Google +1/ -1 Besides This Google+ has two buttons namely Google +1 And -1 which do the Work Of Facebook “Likes” And “Unlike”.. +1  Button is Green Colored And -1 Is Red Colored…

    Moreover Google+ Has No Limits On Sharing Your Photos And Videos Ublike Facebook where  only 200 photos can be Shared/Uploaded in a Single Album…also unlike facebook where u can only text chat with your friend Google+Allows Voive/Video Chat as well with a single Friend with a Better Quality than that of Skype..


    Thus, Google+ Has The Potential To Compete with Facebook but Who Wins Between Facebook And Google+ will be decided by time… But Currently Facebook is on the Front With its Millions of Users…


    You Can Get Yourself An Invitaion for Google+ on your account from the Below link… all u need is to have a Google account

    Also More Infomation About Google+ Project is available on its Official Website


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