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Network Security Policy Updates & Guidelines


Network Security Policy

Network security is a broad term that runs through several technologies, processes, and devices. However, in simple terms, network security can is a set of instructions and configurations designed to protect accessibility, confidentiality, and integrity of computer networks and data using both hardware and software technologies. Network security objectives are to deter cyber threats from the organization. Such threats are detrimental to the organization because they can paralyze operations in one way or the other.

A network security policy is an official guideline outlaying the security expectations of an organization. The guidelines outline the security processes and the sanctions noncompliant individuals face. Network security policies are a set of guidelines for computer network access and showcases policy enforcement measures. The policy also lays out the architecture of a company network security environment as well as defines how the security policy implementation throughout the company’s security network.

The Objectives for Network Security Policy

The world continues to experience an exponential growth of internet interconnections. The phenomenon leads to the significant growth of cyber-attacks. The attacks lead to disastrous and grievous situations especially for large companies with a lot at stake. Malware is the primary choice of weapon cyber attackers use to carry out malicious intent like holding an organization at ransom.

The objective of a network security policy is to define an organization’s security control to keep malicious out of the network and alleviate risky users within the same organization.

Mechanisms around Network Security Policy

Organizations ought to understand how network security policies work before they move to implement them. The first level the organization needs to comprehend is the initial stage for policy generation. The initial stage entails understanding:

• What services and information are available in the organization’s network.

• Who in the organization are the information and services accessible to and why.

• The potential damage each person’s accessible to the network can do to the network and the organization as a whole.

Therefore, the network security policy will define the policies enforced according to the background understanding of the organization’s operations. This is achievable by dictating a hierarchy of access permissions depending on organizational hierarchies, then granting the network users access to what they only need to complete their stipulated job tasks. Granting access to users goes through login credentials and passwords while the hierarchy access limits what credentials access what point of the network. The phenomenon introduces accountability to network user’s infrastructure wise as the network would show who accessed what and at what time.

It becomes necessary, therefore, for network security policies implementation to be in writing and also in the organization’s information technology infrastructure which entails network controls’ security policy and its firewall.

Network Security Policy Management

Organizations need to understand that network security is not a static endeavor because technology and cyber threats continue to evolve. In this nature, network security policies need to continue evolving to ensure their effectiveness in protecting the organization’s network.

Management will define how security policy enforcement and design take off. It has to coincide with the evolving technology and imminent cyber threat. Therefore, management should keep a constant eye out for changes to continue designing and enforcing the new effective policy.


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